Are you building a business within a multi-level marketing program? If so, you’ll find the following information quite thought provoking.
I’m reminded of my very first experience within a multi-level marketing program. I was totally impulsed by the concept, the marketing plan and the compensation structure. I quickly began my efforts to market the products and build my team. I can’t remember exactly what the compensation structure was. I do remember the emotional high that I floated on when viewing the forecasted earning potential. What I failed to understand at that time were the more practical considerations.
Dreaming is a great thing. If more people did it more often, we wouldn’t see the decay that has set in, particularly within the American communities, that prevents the good elements of ambition, drive and risk-taking from inspiring people to great and beautiful things. When you dream, however, do you attach your dreams to a vehicle success? What tools do you have at your disposal to help you conquer the challenges that you will certainly face as you embark on the journey to success? I use to attach my dreams to vehicles that simply would not carry me to my promised destination and would require so much constant exertion and hustling that I would soon expend all of my creative energy and my dreams became a nightmare.
At this juncture in my life, I am able to view from past experience more objectively when introduced to new opportunities. I’m able to look at what worked in the past and what didn’t work. With this heightened awareness and new perspective. I can find solutions to dilemmas that we all face at some point or another. As it pertains to the more enterprising components of an opportunity, I can, with precision, find the elements within programs that will work for me and discard the elements that will not produced desire or stated results.
Let’s look at some basic realities that exist within almost every
I’ve seen countless numbers of super recruiters drag their friends, families and followers into programs numerous times. The biggest problem with this is that the loyal followers aren’t supported in their efforts in such away that gives them a fair shot at producing the same results. Hosting meetings, seminars, and conventions serves only to continuously impulse people and keep their interests. Think of the leaders that are featured and praised at almost every convention you attend. There are, more often than not, people that got in at the ground level, were able to align themselves in close proximity (at least socially) with the higher-ups in the organization and now they hold titles such as “Regional Director” and Regional Vice-President”. Have you ever wondered where their money comes from? That money comes from “YOU”, all of the people you recruit who produce and all of the down-line that you will eventually lose when you reach a certain level (if you ever make it to the “higher-up” level).
The one reality that captivates me about all of this is the fact that in these programs, you sign-up as an independent representative (1099 tax form) and then the company makes you agree to market their products exclusively. That sounds more like a job (just-over-broke), with some decent earning potential only if you can recruit the world, without any benefits. This sort of system creates a far more competitive environment than it does a supportive team building oriented atmosphere, where people are truly working together to achieve something in common. In my past MLM involvements I was signed up under a leader who never lifted a finger to help me or her team, after we spent hundreds of dollars enrolling in the program to market and recruit for the company. She sold successfully to the entire community without helping anyone she sponsored. It was strictly a numbers game for her. This is called greed.
Believe me, the hierarchies of such organizations are doomed to topple. The spirit of unity is dead as a result of greed and empowering self at the expense of others. Now is the perfect time to change, the ill-fated and self-centered leadership modes of operation in introducing a business opportunity and building a team. True teamwork is the way to build an organization that creates “win-win” for everyone.
Over Hauling The
Your SUCCESS and PROSPERITY happens when you connect with "Like Minded People" who want what you want"
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