Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Njideka N. Olatunde “Prosperity Diva”
We have entered into a time of transition in which old financial structures are collapsing as better ones are put in their place. For many, this transition period will be one of hardship and for others the changes will be wonderful. In reality, this transition is about changing our relationship with money. We are witnessing the changes in the drop in real estate prices, inflation that makes the dollar buy less, rising fuel prices and even less affordable health care. The question we ask daily “How can a person prepare for these changes to live securely and comfortably”?
Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. Money allows people to compare values and place a relative value on items purchased such as groceries, a movie, an automobile, computer software or a doctor visit. Money is absolutely needed in a complex society. It helps people make choices because time and physical resources are limited. What people will pay for determines what food is grown, what things are manufactured and what services are offered. Money is a natural resource. There is plenty of it. It is everywhere. And it doesn't have any preference for who holds it. You could be a saint or a complete sinner - even a mass murderer. Money does not care who you are. Money has no preference who it flows to. Money doesn't care whether it sits in the account of corporate thieves or everyday working people. It doesn't care! It will flow to whoever ATTRACTS it.
What are your thoughts about money? Are your thoughts negative? If they are you are blocking your cashflow blessing. It is very important to realize that money follows certain laws, which, if obeyed, contribute to success in every area of your life. Are these your belief and negative statements about money?
Money is a bad thing. This is a common attitude today. The opposite attitude is that I respect and appreciate money, and take responsibility for learning about it. Taking responsibility for money is “NOT” the same as attachment to it. Many poor people are very attached to money. To change this belief you must let go of attachment, and replace it with taking on the responsibility of a being a wise steward of your money. Let your money be the servant and you be the master. When you are willing to learn about money, respect it, love it, embrace it and understand the best way to invest it, you will have tapped into the stream of cashflow and wealth building.
I do not deserve abundance. This attitude may be rooted in guilt or an inability to receive goodness into your life. The opposite attitude is that I am “OPEN” to receive all good things into my life. The reality of what you see and hear on a daily basis is not connected to your achieving abundance. Understand that poverty thinking and lack is a conditioned mindset. When we change our thinking, our attitudes, our laws and our system of free enterprise to abundantly receiving we will see the difference.
Being spiritual and having money do not mix. Implied here is that only selfish and greedy people have money. God didn't intend for me to be rich. The bible is often quoted to justify “Money is the root of evil”. In every religious institution money is always asked for and received. If money is evil from a spiritual perspective why is it accepted? This attitude may also be due to a false pride, that you are a better person when you have to scrounge for money. It allows you to judge others and feel superior to them. Its opposite is that money is a gift from God. It is true, money can get in the way of spirituality, but so can poverty.
I am ignorant about money and am always taken advantage of. This statement comes from a poverty thinking mind, an attitude of the victim mentality and hopelessness. In reality, you may have taken on this common issue based on lack of financial education and not knowing how to get it, that caused you to feel powerless. When you resolve the money victim issue you will be one of the many giving and receiving the universal cashflow. When you apply the principle of financial education and discipline poverty thinking is no longer a reality.
The first step needed to change this belief is to invest in yourself by becoming EDUCATED about money, what it is, what it is not, how to get it, how to save it, and how to MULTIPLE it. When you have the answers to these questions firmly planted in your consciousness you will never be taken advantage of again as it relates to money.
There is not enough money to go around, so I remain poor. Underlying this thought is a belief in scarcity. There is No Scarcity of Money. You Just Need to Know How to Attract and Manage it! This is a poverty mentality conditioning that has been passed on for generations by our Government that does not want us to be wealthy. Think about it. What has the Government ever done to help you become wealthy? The more you work the more you will pay in taxes which is the government’s wealth building system. The feeling of not enough money to go around keeps you working and depending on the government scraps thrown your way come election time. The belief of not enough is the most powerful and successful negative money belief that supports and feeds poverty when you buy into this statement, "A poor population is a controllable population". Dismiss and release this belief so you can receive your cashflow inheritance.
Here's an idea... go for a ten-minute walk in your neighborhood. Count the number of homes and cars that you pass by. Now assign an "average" value to them and you do the math. Scarcity of money? Really? Money and wealth is everywhere. It's all around you. You just need to know the principles that will attract the money and wealth to you. Change your thinking and start seeing abundance every where for yourself and others.
Wealth comes to individuals as a by-product of serving others. It's biblical. It is a UNIVERSAL law. Put simply, if you deliver value into the lives of other people, then most of them will be happy to pay money to you to receive that service. Not all will do this, of course. Some will cheat you and some will steal from you. Money has basic rules, just like gardening or any other activity. Learning the rules and following them closely creates much success in this area. Here are some basics:
Income must Exceed Expenditure. Many people spend beyond their means. There is no shame in living a simple life.
The Law of Compound Interest. Money grows much faster if you save and reinvest the interest. Use the 10% principle. Pay YOURSELF FIRST 10% of all the income you earn.
Supply and Demand. People pay for what they want. Find a demand for a product or service and fill it. It is about providing value for people.
Be of True Service and High Integrity. Some people make money as parasites and cheaters. However, earning money usually has to do with providing quality goods or services at fair prices and doing it with consistency and integrity.
The Law of Chance. Instead of investing your money, many people play the lottery or visit gambling casinos. This is about operating under the law of chance with the odds of your winning being very poor! Interestingly, the largest gambling operations in America are run by our state governments.
1. Simplify Your Life. Most people buy things they do not need and in many ways spend money unwisely. This depletes resources and creates extra stress when living beyond the basics, is not necessary. Work on identifying ways to not waste money. Keeping track of expenses and review the record periodically to point out money spent unwisely.
2. Get out of Debt. Debt in general adds stress and interest payments that make the items bought on credit much more costly. Enroll in a debt reduction training program instead of debt consolidation or management program.
3. Buy some gold, silver or other tangible items of value. Having some liquid cash is always good. These are safety measures in case a financial upheaval occurs and is a good solid investment as well.
4. Invest in Yourself. This includes your health, your joy and your skills. Health is first. It makes little sense to have college degrees and a million dollars, and have a devastating illness. There are many ways to reduce the chances of illness and disability, starting with adequate rest and sleep, excellent quality food, clean air, pure water, a safe environment and happy relationships.
Learning skills you can use will assure you will always have employment, even if it is not your ideal job. Investing in your creativity can bring a whole other level of wealth, provided you follow through to “bring it to market”. This way you will bring forth new ideas, new services and new products that people will benefit from.
5. Be cautious with all investments. Most investments are not good. Investment is an area where low integrity abounds. A good investment is usually a home to live in. Poor investments include fancy cars, fancy clothes, and most money offers that come through the mail or the internet.
6. It is imperative that you set up your own business. Do what you see that needs to be done and do it your way. Work at something you believe in so you are happy doing and working it. It can be anything at all that people need. If you are honest and responsible, people will request you and will not just go to the next vendor for their needs.
8. Totally avoid easy credit unless you are very well-disciplined and know you can pay everything off.
9. Use common sense and above all be practical. Making and keeping money is often a very down-to-earth activity. If something you are doing is not working out, make the needed changes to stop the financial drain.
10. Use care in donating your money to the needy, to charities or friends. Often giving comes from an ego feeling that you can fix others, or a need to be loved in return. Why some are poor is complex. Learning to give money wisely is an entire skill in itself. Always include yourself in the circle of your giving.
Embrace money and take responsibility for it. Observe your beliefs about it. When feelings of victim hood and fear arise, realize they are not just yours. They are feelings shared by millions throughout the world.
Open yourself to receiving the Universal gift of love, peace, happiness, success, prosperity and abundance in every area of your life. Realize that worry, fear, blame and self doubt are a waste of time. Commit yourself to your freedom, for what you commit to you will achieve. Be practical and patient with yourself, love your mistakes as well as your successes, and you will prosper. Changes in the world today require that you go back to basics, get out of debt, buy gold or silver for safety and do not overextend yourself financially.
From this day forward, I __________________________ declare my vigilant and life long commitment to Cashing Out on Poverty. I pledge the following:
To use homeownership to build wealth.
To save and invest 10%-15% of my net income (take home pay) By PAYING MYSELF FIRST
To commit to a enroll in a self funding income producing retirement planning
To engage in sound debt reduction, credit, and tax management practices.
To measure my personal wealth by net worth, not by income
To be proactive and knowledgeable about investing, money management, and consumer issues
To provide access to programs that will educate my children about business, finance and wealthbuilding
To support the creation and growth of profitable, competitive home base and small business enterprises
To use a portion of my wealth to strengthen my community
To pass on generation wealth instead of generational poverty to my family.
My business motto is "Health Is Wealth and Wealth Is Health". I am on a mission to erase poverty mentality thinking and replace it with abundance thinking. I am providing families with the tools, resources and supportive services that are needed in "Passing On Generational Wealth" instead of generational poverty. I invite you to join my campaign. Visit us on the web at www.gernerationalwealthbuilding.com and www.focusonhealing.com
Business Opportunity,
Wealth Building
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