Friday, August 3, 2007

Is Everyone Winning In Your Business Opportunity? Part 2

Over Hauling The MLM Operation System

Let’s look at cooperative economics from a business perspective as it relates to teamwork. It is more than just putting money into a common system to produce an economic healing in our community. In a conversation with a community leader who is participating in a multi-level marketing program, I asked her how she was doing in the program and her reply was “it’s not going too well right now”. Here is a distinction between two concepts that must be shared. There needs to be an out cry from the masses that challenges, not the people of your organization but the system in which you are doing business with.

97% of people wash out in MLM and never earn one single penny. The programs thrive on the influence of “Super Builders/ Recruiters” and the consumer nature of those who can be impulsed on the products. Many of MLM companies have awesome products at discount prices. It is not the products it is the business structure that needs to be challenged. If it takes you a year or more to build an organization of 100 people just to make $10,000.00 one time, how well have you truly leveraged your resources? The systems are designed to breed competition and one-upmanship. The influential individuals at the top are generally the one’s that see the earnings forecasted, while the mass majority of their recruiters struggle. Ironically, I love MLM programs, for they give people the ability to be in business for themselves without having to recreate the wheel. We just need to find ways to enhance these programs so that more people can get paid.

I have shared the problem not let’s look at a solution. The solution is based on the concept of syndication. A syndication is an effort where people pool resources to create opportunities and affect business transactions. Syndications create profit pools where resources are then distributed amongst participating members. There are no factors; just leveraging of human and monetary resources. A syndication can enhance any other business effort. Everyone that participates can get paid high revenues very quickly. You can then take those same syndication members and have them participate in any MLM program in existence knowing that they have the monetary and human resources needed to succeed. This is what “Unity” (true teamwork) can do. With this process you don not have to worry about being forced into an exclusive agreement that limits your financial freedom.

When you can get more people paid quickly wouldn’t that be a good thing for everyone? Just think no more hustling money and people. High payouts to more people in a shorter period of time. This would be an innovative and progressive overhaul for the MLM business operation model that could be a precedent in saving the
America financially.

We need to reinvigorate our optimism toward how we structure and build our business opportunities. Lets’ ask ourselves if what we are doing allows us to truly maintain the integrity and honesty of principles we believe in. Can we ask ourselves, with an affirmative, if the most minor member on our team will prosper through what we are doing? How long can we maintain influence and leadership if we can not find workable solutions for members on our team to achieve financial results? Is it enough to only have 3 or 4 star performers of 100 recruits? Don’t you want your entire organization to prosper? Wasn’t that innately your mission when you join your business opportunity? It’s not necessarily your fault that it isn’t working out the way your thought it would. The systems just are not designed to produce “win-win’ financial results for everyone in the organization. To your organization it is a numbers game. To you it is about life, which is a people’s game. The game of Life is about real people who you interact, and share with based on honesty, trust and integrity.

It’s time to stop throwing away money and energy on business structures and institutions that do not serve your highest good. What is needed is an economic and financial healing in businesses, family and community. It is time to DECREASE our consumer consumption and nurture our wealth building potential with resources and tools that can change the quality of our lives from passing on generational poverty to “Passing on Generational Wealth”.

For more information on syndication building to enhance your current business opportunity send an email to

Your SUCCESS and PROSPERITY happens when you connect with "Like Minded People" who want what you want

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