Sunday, April 6, 2008


It seems of late many families who seldom considered coming together as one big happy family are giving it some thought these days. Family members are reportedly frequenting several family reunions in recent years than ever before. Genealogy research sites are popping up everywhere.Through an online search with popular
keywords that relate to family reunions return 1,170,000 pages. The largest traffic site is packed with information from family reunion activities to family reunion planning guides filled with anecdotes and do’s and don’ts of family reunion planning.

So what’s behind the growing sensation to celebrating family ties and igniting the family reunion fire? On a popular discussion board centered on family reunions notes
one of the factors is a need to connect and reconnect, specifically following a disaster during war-time or other major incidents. It is usually a fact that on that day everyone knows someone who has lost a friend or relative that brings back memories.

It is a family reunion that sets the stage, for holding on tight to your family, your future and acknowledging your ancestry.The popularity of family and family reunions gain prominence with Alex Halley’s book and the movie ROOTS, which opened the door for families of all ethnic groups to once again connecting and reconnect.The family reunion connection has become a symbol for family unity that is celebrated in the music of most America culture. Some popular songs that relate to family are “Family
Reunion….The Ojays; Love and Happiness…Al Green; It’s A Family Affair…Sly & The Family Stones; We Are Family…Sister Sledge and Coming Home…Lionel Richie” to name a few.

The coming together of family at these reunions originally was about the sharing of age old family traditions dating back to the early 1700’s and beyond. Such as, family quilt making; arts and crafts; songs and dance; healing practices and remedies; and preserving the family name that migrated into the America culture along with the people who brought them, Native Americans, Africans, Asians, and Europeans.
Family Reunions are a tradition of uniting the family in a public celebrate of births; acknowledging accomplishments and success; remembering love ones no longer here; sharing of family legends and traditions; and creating social and family contributions programs that is imprinted on the minds, hearts and soul of every family member.

For every family of all ethnic groups, the uniting of each generation in the family unit is the universal family tradition of chronicling the oral and written family history from its humble beginnings. It is the tradition that keeps the fire burning to strengthen, support and build a strong family unit needed to preserve the family name and its heritage. In essences a family reunion is the celebration of “passing on
a generational legacy of health, wealth, prosperity and abundance”.

For more information on family reunion seminars, consultations

We are now accepting family reunion speaking invitations

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008


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Njideka N. Olatunde “Prosperity Diva”

We have entered into a time of transition in which old financial structures are collapsing as better ones are put in their place. For many, this transition period will be one of hardship and for others the changes will be wonderful. In reality, this transition is about changing our relationship with money. We are witnessing the changes in the drop in real estate prices, inflation that makes the dollar buy less, rising fuel prices and even less affordable health care. The question we ask daily “How can a person prepare for these changes to live securely and comfortably”?

Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. Money allows people to compare values and place a relative value on items purchased such as groceries, a movie, an automobile, computer software or a doctor visit. Money is absolutely needed in a complex society. It helps people make choices because time and physical resources are limited. What people will pay for determines what food is grown, what things are manufactured and what services are offered. Money is a natural resource. There is plenty of it. It is everywhere. And it doesn't have any preference for who holds it. You could be a saint or a complete sinner - even a mass murderer. Money does not care who you are. Money has no preference who it flows to. Money doesn't care whether it sits in the account of corporate thieves or everyday working people. It doesn't care! It will flow to whoever ATTRACTS it.

What are your thoughts about money? Are your thoughts negative? If they are you are blocking your cashflow blessing. It is very important to realize that money follows certain laws, which, if obeyed, contribute to success in every area of your life. Are these your belief and negative statements about money?

Money is a bad thing. This is a common attitude today. The opposite attitude is that I respect and appreciate money, and take responsibility for learning about it. Taking responsibility for money is “NOT” the same as attachment to it. Many poor people are very attached to money. To change this belief you must let go of attachment, and replace it with taking on the responsibility of a being a wise steward of your money. Let your money be the servant and you be the master. When you are willing to learn about money, respect it, love it, embrace it and understand the best way to invest it, you will have tapped into the stream of cashflow and wealth building.

I do not deserve abundance. This attitude may be rooted in guilt or an inability to receive goodness into your life. The opposite attitude is that I am “OPEN” to receive all good things into my life. The reality of what you see and hear on a daily basis is not connected to your achieving abundance. Understand that poverty thinking and lack is a conditioned mindset. When we change our thinking, our attitudes, our laws and our system of free enterprise to abundantly receiving we will see the difference.

Being spiritual and having money do not mix. Implied here is that only selfish and greedy people have money. God didn't intend for me to be rich. The bible is often quoted to justify “Money is the root of evil”. In every religious institution money is always asked for and received. If money is evil from a spiritual perspective why is it accepted? This attitude may also be due to a false pride, that you are a better person when you have to scrounge for money. It allows you to judge others and feel superior to them. Its opposite is that money is a gift from God. It is true, money can get in the way of spirituality, but so can poverty.

I am ignorant about money and am always taken advantage of. This statement comes from a poverty thinking mind, an attitude of the victim mentality and hopelessness. In reality, you may have taken on this common issue based on lack of financial education and not knowing how to get it, that caused you to feel powerless. When you resolve the money victim issue you will be one of the many giving and receiving the universal cashflow. When you apply the principle of financial education and discipline poverty thinking is no longer a reality.

The first step needed to change this belief is to invest in yourself by becoming EDUCATED about money, what it is, what it is not, how to get it, how to save it, and how to MULTIPLE it. When you have the answers to these questions firmly planted in your consciousness you will never be taken advantage of again as it relates to money.

There is not enough money to go around, so I remain poor. Underlying this thought is a belief in scarcity. There is No Scarcity of Money. You Just Need to Know How to Attract and Manage it! This is a poverty mentality conditioning that has been passed on for generations by our Government that does not want us to be wealthy. Think about it. What has the Government ever done to help you become wealthy? The more you work the more you will pay in taxes which is the government’s wealth building system. The feeling of not enough money to go around keeps you working and depending on the government scraps thrown your way come election time. The belief of not enough is the most powerful and successful negative money belief that supports and feeds poverty when you buy into this statement, "A poor population is a controllable population". Dismiss and release this belief so you can receive your cashflow inheritance.

Here's an idea... go for a ten-minute walk in your neighborhood. Count the number of homes and cars that you pass by. Now assign an "average" value to them and you do the math. Scarcity of money? Really? Money and wealth is everywhere. It's all around you. You just need to know the principles that will attract the money and wealth to you. Change your thinking and start seeing abundance every where for yourself and others.

Wealth comes to individuals as a by-product of serving others. It's biblical. It is a UNIVERSAL law. Put simply, if you deliver value into the lives of other people, then most of them will be happy to pay money to you to receive that service. Not all will do this, of course. Some will cheat you and some will steal from you. Money has basic rules, just like gardening or any other activity. Learning the rules and following them closely creates much success in this area. Here are some basics:

Income must Exceed Expenditure. Many people spend beyond their means. There is no shame in living a simple life.

The Law of Compound Interest. Money grows much faster if you save and reinvest the interest. Use the 10% principle. Pay YOURSELF FIRST 10% of all the income you earn.

Supply and Demand. People pay for what they want. Find a demand for a product or service and fill it. It is about providing value for people.

Be of True Service and High Integrity. Some people make money as parasites and cheaters. However, earning money usually has to do with providing quality goods or services at fair prices and doing it with consistency and integrity.

The Law of Chance. Instead of investing your money, many people play the lottery or visit gambling casinos. This is about operating under the law of chance with the odds of your winning being very poor! Interestingly, the largest gambling operations in America are run by our state governments.

1. Simplify Your Life. Most people buy things they do not need and in many ways spend money unwisely. This depletes resources and creates extra stress when living beyond the basics, is not necessary. Work on identifying ways to not waste money. Keeping track of expenses and review the record periodically to point out money spent unwisely.

2. Get out of Debt. Debt in general adds stress and interest payments that make the items bought on credit much more costly. Enroll in a debt reduction training program instead of debt consolidation or management program.

3. Buy some gold, silver or other tangible items of value. Having some liquid cash is always good. These are safety measures in case a financial upheaval occurs and is a good solid investment as well.

4. Invest in Yourself. This includes your health, your joy and your skills. Health is first. It makes little sense to have college degrees and a million dollars, and have a devastating illness. There are many ways to reduce the chances of illness and disability, starting with adequate rest and sleep, excellent quality food, clean air, pure water, a safe environment and happy relationships.

Learning skills you can use will assure you will always have employment, even if it is not your ideal job. Investing in your creativity can bring a whole other level of wealth, provided you follow through to “bring it to market”. This way you will bring forth new ideas, new services and new products that people will benefit from.

5. Be cautious with all investments. Most investments are not good. Investment is an area where low integrity abounds. A good investment is usually a home to live in. Poor investments include fancy cars, fancy clothes, and most money offers that come through the mail or the internet.

6. It is imperative that you set up your own business. Do what you see that needs to be done and do it your way. Work at something you believe in so you are happy doing and working it. It can be anything at all that people need. If you are honest and responsible, people will request you and will not just go to the next vendor for their needs.

8. Totally avoid easy credit unless you are very well-disciplined and know you can pay everything off.

9. Use common sense and above all be practical. Making and keeping money is often a very down-to-earth activity. If something you are doing is not working out, make the needed changes to stop the financial drain.

10. Use care in donating your money to the needy, to charities or friends. Often giving comes from an ego feeling that you can fix others, or a need to be loved in return. Why some are poor is complex. Learning to give money wisely is an entire skill in itself. Always include yourself in the circle of your giving.

Embrace money and take responsibility for it. Observe your beliefs about it. When feelings of victim hood and fear arise, realize they are not just yours. They are feelings shared by millions throughout the world.

Open yourself to receiving the Universal gift of love, peace, happiness, success, prosperity and abundance in every area of your life. Realize that worry, fear, blame and self doubt are a waste of time. Commit yourself to your freedom, for what you commit to you will achieve. Be practical and patient with yourself, love your mistakes as well as your successes, and you will prosper. Changes in the world today require that you go back to basics, get out of debt, buy gold or silver for safety and do not overextend yourself financially.


From this day forward, I __________________________ declare my vigilant and life long commitment to Cashing Out on Poverty. I pledge the following:

To use homeownership to build wealth.

To save and invest 10%-15% of my net income (take home pay) By PAYING MYSELF FIRST

To commit to a enroll in a self funding income producing retirement planning

To engage in sound debt reduction, credit, and tax management practices.

To measure my personal wealth by net worth, not by income

To be proactive and knowledgeable about investing, money management, and consumer issues

To provide access to programs that will educate my children about business, finance and wealthbuilding

To support the creation and growth of profitable, competitive home base and small business enterprises

To use a portion of my wealth to strengthen my community

To pass on generation wealth instead of generational poverty to my family.

My business motto is "Health Is Wealth and Wealth Is Health". I am on a mission to erase poverty mentality thinking and replace it with abundance thinking. I am providing families with the tools, resources and supportive services that are needed in "Passing On Generational Wealth" instead of generational poverty. I invite you to join my campaign. Visit us on the web at and

Friday, August 3, 2007

Is Everyone Winning In Your Business Opportunity? Part 1

Are you building a business within a multi-level marketing program? If so, you’ll find the following information quite thought provoking.

I’m reminded of my very first experience within a multi-level marketing program. I was totally impulsed by the concept, the marketing plan and the compensation structure. I quickly began my efforts to market the products and build my team. I can’t remember exactly what the compensation structure was. I do remember the emotional high that I floated on when viewing the forecasted earning potential. What I failed to understand at that time were the more practical considerations.

Dreaming is a great thing. If more people did it more often, we wouldn’t see the decay that has set in, particularly within the American communities, that prevents the good elements of ambition, drive and risk-taking from inspiring people to great and beautiful things. When you dream, however, do you attach your dreams to a vehicle success? What tools do you have at your disposal to help you conquer the challenges that you will certainly face as you embark on the journey to success? I use to attach my dreams to vehicles that simply would not carry me to my promised destination and would require so much constant exertion and hustling that I would soon expend all of my creative energy and my dreams became a nightmare.

At this juncture in my life, I am able to view from past experience more objectively when introduced to new opportunities. I’m able to look at what worked in the past and what didn’t work. With this heightened awareness and new perspective. I can find solutions to dilemmas that we all face at some point or another. As it pertains to the more enterprising components of an opportunity, I can, with precision, find the elements within programs that will work for me and discard the elements that will not produced desire or stated results.

Let’s look at some basic realities that exist within almost every MLM program in existence. When you are at the top of the “food chain”, you will always earn more than those you recruit into business. If that is not a reality, then you aren’t working within a MLM program. These programs require high productively on both the sales side and the recruiting side in order for anyone to reap the benefits that are advertised. If it takes you a year to build an organization of 100 people just so that you can get a check, one-time, for $10,000.00, what do you really think you are creating for yourself? Most of the programs that I’ve been introduced to would have you working your tail off for years just to get to the point of seeing residual income of $4,000.00 or more per month. For a knowledgeable leader who has established relationships with many people, who will buy into their business opportunity solely on the credibility and word of the person who recruited them. To this type of individual building such a large organization (down-lines) is a cake walk. The question is what about the people you recruited?

I’ve seen countless numbers of super recruiters drag their friends, families and followers into programs numerous times. The biggest problem with this is that the loyal followers aren’t supported in their efforts in such away that gives them a fair shot at producing the same results. Hosting meetings, seminars, and conventions serves only to continuously impulse people and keep their interests. Think of the leaders that are featured and praised at almost every convention you attend. There are, more often than not, people that got in at the ground level, were able to align themselves in close proximity (at least socially) with the higher-ups in the organization and now they hold titles such as “Regional Director” and Regional Vice-President”. Have you ever wondered where their money comes from? That money comes from “YOU”, all of the people you recruit who produce and all of the down-line that you will eventually lose when you reach a certain level (if you ever make it to the “higher-up” level).

The one reality that captivates me about all of this is the fact that in these programs, you sign-up as an independent representative (1099 tax form) and then the company makes you agree to market their products exclusively. That sounds more like a job (just-over-broke), with some decent earning potential only if you can recruit the world, without any benefits. This sort of system creates a far more competitive environment than it does a supportive team building oriented atmosphere, where people are truly working together to achieve something in common. In my past MLM involvements I was signed up under a leader who never lifted a finger to help me or her team, after we spent hundreds of dollars enrolling in the program to market and recruit for the company. She sold successfully to the entire community without helping anyone she sponsored. It was strictly a numbers game for her. This is called greed.

Believe me, the hierarchies of such organizations are doomed to topple. The spirit of unity is dead as a result of greed and empowering self at the expense of others. Now is the perfect time to change, the ill-fated and self-centered leadership modes of operation in introducing a business opportunity and building a team. True teamwork is the way to build an organization that creates “win-win” for everyone.

Over Hauling The
MLM Operation System

Your SUCCESS and PROSPERITY happens when you connect with "Like Minded People" who want what you want"

Is Everyone Winning In Your Business Opportunity? Part 2

Over Hauling The MLM Operation System

Let’s look at cooperative economics from a business perspective as it relates to teamwork. It is more than just putting money into a common system to produce an economic healing in our community. In a conversation with a community leader who is participating in a multi-level marketing program, I asked her how she was doing in the program and her reply was “it’s not going too well right now”. Here is a distinction between two concepts that must be shared. There needs to be an out cry from the masses that challenges, not the people of your organization but the system in which you are doing business with.

97% of people wash out in MLM and never earn one single penny. The programs thrive on the influence of “Super Builders/ Recruiters” and the consumer nature of those who can be impulsed on the products. Many of MLM companies have awesome products at discount prices. It is not the products it is the business structure that needs to be challenged. If it takes you a year or more to build an organization of 100 people just to make $10,000.00 one time, how well have you truly leveraged your resources? The systems are designed to breed competition and one-upmanship. The influential individuals at the top are generally the one’s that see the earnings forecasted, while the mass majority of their recruiters struggle. Ironically, I love MLM programs, for they give people the ability to be in business for themselves without having to recreate the wheel. We just need to find ways to enhance these programs so that more people can get paid.

I have shared the problem not let’s look at a solution. The solution is based on the concept of syndication. A syndication is an effort where people pool resources to create opportunities and affect business transactions. Syndications create profit pools where resources are then distributed amongst participating members. There are no factors; just leveraging of human and monetary resources. A syndication can enhance any other business effort. Everyone that participates can get paid high revenues very quickly. You can then take those same syndication members and have them participate in any MLM program in existence knowing that they have the monetary and human resources needed to succeed. This is what “Unity” (true teamwork) can do. With this process you don not have to worry about being forced into an exclusive agreement that limits your financial freedom.

When you can get more people paid quickly wouldn’t that be a good thing for everyone? Just think no more hustling money and people. High payouts to more people in a shorter period of time. This would be an innovative and progressive overhaul for the MLM business operation model that could be a precedent in saving the
America financially.

We need to reinvigorate our optimism toward how we structure and build our business opportunities. Lets’ ask ourselves if what we are doing allows us to truly maintain the integrity and honesty of principles we believe in. Can we ask ourselves, with an affirmative, if the most minor member on our team will prosper through what we are doing? How long can we maintain influence and leadership if we can not find workable solutions for members on our team to achieve financial results? Is it enough to only have 3 or 4 star performers of 100 recruits? Don’t you want your entire organization to prosper? Wasn’t that innately your mission when you join your business opportunity? It’s not necessarily your fault that it isn’t working out the way your thought it would. The systems just are not designed to produce “win-win’ financial results for everyone in the organization. To your organization it is a numbers game. To you it is about life, which is a people’s game. The game of Life is about real people who you interact, and share with based on honesty, trust and integrity.

It’s time to stop throwing away money and energy on business structures and institutions that do not serve your highest good. What is needed is an economic and financial healing in businesses, family and community. It is time to DECREASE our consumer consumption and nurture our wealth building potential with resources and tools that can change the quality of our lives from passing on generational poverty to “Passing on Generational Wealth”.

For more information on syndication building to enhance your current business opportunity send an email to

Your SUCCESS and PROSPERITY happens when you connect with "Like Minded People" who want what you want

In Interest Of The Family

It seems as if most of our nation's households are run by single parents trying their best to make a single income stretch. Even homes with two parents are finding it difficult to maintain an attractive quality of life with rising gas prices, the depreciating value of the dollar bill due to inflation and ever increasing taxation due to a national deficit that will never go away. This has households looking for ways to generate secondary revenue so that they do not fall into poverty. There are so many options available for the seekers. One option that is commonly utilized, for those families fortunate enough to own their homes is to refinance their homes using a line of credit mortgage. This sort of option, however, creates more of a liability as opposed to creating the stability that people are usually seeking.

A mentor once told me that people don't need to hit the lottery or strike it rich overnight and although these things are attractive, what people really need to do is do better things with their time and their money. A colleague of mine was telling me about her experience in a home-based business opportunity she is currently participating in. She began telling a story of determination and commitment. She said that for at least 60 days, her husband and children didn't know who she was. She sacrificed her personality and the luxury of close relations, even frivolous socializing, just to achieve a personal objective that would set her up for life. How many days will you sacrifice to make a better future for your families? Many of you would probably not attempt to build a home-based business if it means giving up your creature comforts. I'm not saying that having fun is a bad thing. To build a home base business requires time, commitment, determination and persistence to see your goal accomplished. When you fail to do the required work you can not blame the business system as the reason you did not achieve your desired results, Financial Freedom.

The bottom line is, no matter what business system or opportunity you are trying to build, your success will be determined by how much are you willing to “sacrifice” to have a financially profitable business base your families can depending on?

Network Marketing Opportunities

Many experts on the topic of wealth creation have identified the Network Marketing concept as being the type of business structure that will most likely create wealth for families. There are a variety of different types of business that fall under the category of Network Marketing. Networking Marketing structures are referral based business structures meaning you must be invited to participate by someone who is already working within that business structure.

One of the most popular of these sorts of businesses is the Multi-Level Marketing company (MLM). These structures have very intricately complex compensations plans that share a varying percentage of a total commissionable amount across a multi-level matrix of recruits depending on their position within a recruiting organization. That made my fingers hurt just typing it. I don't know if there is a simpler way of explaining it. You can't just call it a word-of-mouth advertising business system as is implied by the broader definition of Network Marketing. MLMs really have some intricate compensation plans that, in some cases, allow for earnings to be generated by both the recruiting and sales, the first of which can be quite risky from a legal perspective. There is information online about some very popular MLM companies that are being sued currently for questionable business practices.

Nonetheless, MLM companies are folding all of the time. First of all, only about 3% of their independent agents ever see substantial earnings. The other 97% eventually wash out. This means that someone seeking to induce financial freedom out of one of these opportunities had better have at least one these three things going on:

  • A pre-existing huge business community to pull into the business
  • The time and shear dogged determination to sustain a hustle mentality for a very long-period of time (forever)
  • The ability to help their recruits get paid within a short period of time

The bottom line is, it will take doing something special to find optimal success within these structures. The masses wouldn't be called the masses if everyone could find

success within MLM opportunities, and oddly enough, it's the people at the top of the recruiting hierarchies that have the most to lose by not getting their people paid. They never seem to believe this, but it's so very true. MLM companies rely on fresh blood and they never expect to pay out commissions and residuals in large amounts to the masses of their business networks. If they did they would go opt to go out of business. This is one of the reasons why when you reach a certain level, you lose a huge portion of your downline in all MLM structures. You can build a huge team and still not be able to guarantee your future based on the sweat equity that you've put into your business. There are several documented examples of this practice. Do your due diligence and then choose your MLM business opportunity. MLM is your key to financial freedom.

Monday, July 30, 2007

If Open to a New Network Marketing Opportunity, How Would You Evaluate It?

If some asked you, "Are You Open To New Network Marking Business Opportunities"? You say Yes. You are told to do your research first. You are invited to a place where you can look at all the network marketing opportunities that are available, with no one screaming how they're the greatest. You can freely look around and ask questions read information do your due diligence, stress free

What's the first thing you'd want information on about the business opportunity you are looking at?

My first question would be how long has the company been in business marketing this business opportunity. A successful proven track record is very important to me (7 to 10+ years)

In doing your research and your were asked to give a rating on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) how would you rate the following on being important to you and why?

Company; Sponsor/Upline; Product Line

When I look at business opportunities I want to know about the history, mission and leadership of the company first. My main concern is does the founder and his staff do the business or are they business with a corporate model style depending on reps only to fund the business operation they reap the fruits of the distributors labor. Company rating 5

I will research the sponsor/upline information next. I want to know high the hierarchy operates. How many people do I have to recruit before I can make a profit? I look at how equitable is the distribution of capital in the business operation. How much money does the company receive and keep before it distributes money in the downlines. My interest would be in how much money is spent on fringe benefits verses distribution to members in the business opportunity. (Personally I am not interested in trips, cars, other company bonus) if I receive the equivalent capital I can buy my own bonus benefits. Sponsor/Upline rating 4

The product is important if it is a compliment to my existing business. If the product supports and delivers according to its mission statement I will feel comfortable marketing it. If the product can support my company mission statement and motto adding this opportunity product would be an enhancement and will not be a problem. This would be just another stream of business revenue coming in from one company merging with another. Product line rating 3

Inquiring Minds would like to hear your thoughts.........

Monday, July 16, 2007

Business Opportunity Faith Test


How strong is your faith in setting up your business opportunity?

Some Food For Thought about going into any business opportunity:

Your sponsor sees you as “successful” and wants you to be on their team. What your sponsor sees and wants is not important.

What is important is,”what you see and want”.You must first above anything else BELIEVE in YOURSELF. This mean you believe with all your heart that you deserve to have a monthly cash flow. When you are able to do this whatever you need (people and/or money) you will have it.

The second step is you must Step Out On Faith and put your faith to the test. If you say you “believe and are blessed” then stepping out on faith is your gift from the Universe (GOD).To step out on faith requires taking action. If you believe you deserve to have a monthly cash flow ($500 and 6 people) you put your faith to the test to make it happen.

Faith in action is your belief system. “Seek and Ye shall Find, Knock and the door shall be Open; Ask and Ye shall Receive.”

When you select a business opportunity, always look for “what is the big picture” you want to achieve. You need to have a very strong “WHY” that motivates and drives you to becoming successful. The business opportunity should never be about “chasing dollars.“ It should be about creating and having a different economic life style.

  • No more debts
  • No more paying high taxes
  • No more penny pinching and robbing Peter to Pay Paul
  • No more working a job you don’t like or want
  • No more living like second class citizens at or below the poverty line
  • No more using the word I CAN’T
  • No more wishing and/or day dreaming, about achieving goals and the desires of your heart
  • No more poverty mentality thinking
  • No more passing on generational poverty because you have the tools and resources to pass on Generational Wealth.
If your business opportunity addresses your “WHY” with an action plan in place to give you a different economic lifestyle, step out on faith with full blast and go for it.

Put your faith to the test…. See, Feel, Believe, and Know “YOU” CAN make it happen. There is nothing that can stop you (getting people to join you; having the start-up money; paying the monthly fee). The initial business opportunity requirement is putting your faith to the test so the Universe (GOD) can financially bless you because you believed and asked.